"Choker" (9mm) Dominus
"Choker" (9mm) Dominus
Extremely precious in rarity also true in value. From ancient Chinese 14th century dynasty black pearls were said to have great special powers! Found only in one place on earth. The South Pacific French-Polynesia islands. Located near the equator something very special takes place. So special that nowhere else in the world can black pearls grow. The small chain of islands makes a nutrient-rich mineral-dense ecosystem. Creating a perfect environment for black pearls to grow. Extremely precious in rarity but also growth development. We bless all of our pearls during a full-moon 12-hour process. The moon's magnetic gravitational pull with the planet's oceanic tides around the world. Sharing a powerful invisible magnetic connection. Placing our black pearls on crystals outside under a full moonlit up sky a crazy magnetic astronomical connection between all-powerful elements we believe takes place. Pure density in the weight you can feel in your hand and your heart. Harvested deep within the black pearl is the pure ionized energy from the sea. shareing a powerful invisible magnetic connection. Placeing our black pearls on crystals outside under a full moon lit up sky a crazy magnetic astronomical connection between all powerful elements we believe takes place. Pure density in weight you can feel in your hand and your heart. Harvested deep within ionized energy from the sea.
Speaking direct to confirm jewelry piece and amount of black pearls you are sending and shipping instructions. Including deep cleaning, pollishing remastering jewelry as designed previously. Additional add-ons require seperate appointment Direct Support please contact: Email cody@blackpearlconnection.com Facebook: Black Pearl Connection Instagram: @blackpearlconnection Call Direct: Cody Stiner (303)-968-9231